I was always an outside kid but in my house growing up we did have cable. My siblings would gather around the TV. My mom exposed us to her favorite shows like I LOVE Lucy, from her generation, but she also liked Roseanne and Seinfeld. But there were definitely shows that were popular 90’s shows that we watched. ![]() My favorite shows were That 70’s Show, The Simpsons, Friends, and Freaks and Geeks. It is crazy to think that shows like The Simpsons and Family Guy are still airing new episodes today. The Simpsons aired the first episode on December 17, 1989 (almost 35 years ago!) and Family Guy on January 31, 1999 (25 years ago). Other contenders for teen shows were things like Saved By the Bell, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, and Boy Meets World. These were shows that everyone knew even if they didn’t watch them all the time. Boy Meets World was like the average kid so you connected to it that way. Cory and Topanga (the main characters) had real-life issues and emotions happening so it was relatable. Shows on TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday) were stuff that real-life families might experience. It was like reality but not the wild reality shows you see today. “Real life” shows now are all about shock value. MTV was also super popular but not like it is now. Now it is reality shows and less about the music (stupid). It used to be all about music and seeing the artists play LIVE or their music videos. You would watch the music videos on the TV before YouTube was even around (there was no way of looking them up whenever you wanted). We didn’t have the convenience or option to listen to a song or watch a music video whenever we wanted, so we tuned into MTV. ![]() Through music videos, artists could show their feelings or thoughts about the music. It helped them put out the emotion in the song. Music video countdowns were HUGE. You could track what songs were on the Billboard Charts and actually follow the count down. We all felt more connected to the artists and the music. This allowed us to invest our time and attention into what was hip. Even today you want to be in the “know” and this was how we could be in the “know” (not no). I think overall TV in the 90’s was better. You might not have been able to access it as easily but there wasn’t all the fluff. You knew the handful of shows and when they were on. You didn’t have to navigate through all the crap stuff.
![]() Now kids are much more likely to be inside on their computers or video game consoles. Video games were around but they were much more simple. The Nintendo Entertainment System came out in 1985 just a few years before I was born. By the time it was not so expensive, it was something my brother had. Sega came out with their console a year later and this was the one I remember playing. We had the Sonic game that made the console super popular. In 1995, the Sony Playstation made video games so much more popular. “Crash Bandicoot, Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy 7, Tekken, and Resident Evil are only a sample of the highlighted franchises that first got their start on the Playstation'' My brothers Dan and Josh later liked Final Fantasy and Grand Theft Auto on PlayStation, also the racing games like Gran Turismo and all the volumes that followed. DragonBall Z was one I remember playing sometimes. It wasn’t until 2004 that the Xbox came out and a rival for PlayStation gamers happened. “XBOX was a powerhouse capable of providing the closest home console correlation to PC gaming experiences.” HALO was the game that everyone was obsessed with. This was huge! Being able to go online and play with other people. Then the battle continued as XBOX would come out with a new console, and then Playstation would do the same. In my house, once the XBOX came out it remained superior. All this being said, I still didn't play video games every day. Video games started as segregated game play. You played by yourself or if you were lucky one other person if you could find them and they also wanted to play. They didn’t have the online options so you were just playing the computer generated storyline. It could be lonely to play all day. And who wants that when you could go outside or a friend's house and actually converse. You can find the full timeline here: https://liretro.com/console-timeline/ ![]() Recently I saw my family and we opened gifts together. It was so awesome to see the kids excited. I never think I need/want anything for Christmas but they surprised me. I got a NutriBullet a processor blender. This was such a cool gift that I will actually use. The blender here that I use is really bad so now I have my own that works way better. I can easily clean it and put it away for the next use. I can do all my everyday stuff but I can also use it to blend nuts. It is so powerful and it opens up the options for things I can make. It is perfect for my cooking style and single-serve ingredients. I have been making smoothies since I got it. I can also blend nuts for various recipes. Also, I can then add them directly to my smoothies. I usually add spinach, OJ, and fruit. I tried a grapefruit the other day and it was tart but good. It is easy to mix up my smoothies so I don’t get bored. Also, it helps me use up the foods I have before my next grocery shopping trip, instead of these items going to waste. I want to try to make the consistency less watery, like a pudding consistency, so I can try making fruit smoothie bowls. These are like smoothies that you eat with a spoon and have nuts, sliced fruit, chia seeds and honey on top. All of a sudden, boom, you have a healthy dessert. |
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